Hospital IT tools worth watching
The latest hospital IT tools, however are not just designed to assist the physicians in their diagnosis. Personal digital assistants are now considered old tools for most physicians. The latest generation of IT tools now combines the typical handheld devices with the latest software and services for specific medical needs. To achieve the desired objectives of these devices doctors are involved in the product development of these tools. In some cases, the doctors themselves developed the tools.
One of the best examples of these latest gadgets is the motion computing device. The motion computing device is similar with the tablet pc but it is designed specifically for the clinical use. The mobile device makes clinical documentation and health care administration simpler and easier. It has an integrated camera, pen and barcode reader. The barcode reader alone helps the doctors in medication administration.
Another device that is starting to be in demand for doctors is the Global Care Quest's Integrated Clinical Information System (ICIS) Mobile. The ICIS is an application which can be used in wireless PC, smart phones and PDAs. It allows the speedy delivery of medical records, vital signs and other important medical communication. Although it is similar to the PDA, it is quite different in terms of functionality and connectivity. It allows faster diagnosis and delivery of treatment.
The MicroMemo by Apple is another device which can be integrated into the Apple iPods. Using their iPod nano, doctors can plug in the MicroMemo and use them for dictation. It is very helpful in taking notes and audio recording. It boasts of high quality recording for 3hours and 12 hours for low quality recording.
For doctors who use BlackBerry devices, there are companies which offer for secured email services. This is in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and allows physicians to communicate with their offices in a secure network. The emails also do not have time lag so the messages are received by the devices the moment they are sent. Thus, they can also be used as pagers.
The trend for the IT devices for doctors is becoming more and more targeted to the specific need of doctors. Nevertheless, there is the simple integration to the devices already being used by the doctors, such as smart phones and PDA. In the future we may see more sophisticated applications which can be used as simply as plugging them to everyday device.