What is Transformational Leadership (Part III)

III. Conclusion

As the two studies demonstrated, future economic and business leaders envision their future leaders to be transformational leaders. Despite the fact that it is difficult to find transformational leaders and despite the fact that the whole process may not be as clearly defined as other forms of leadership, there is much to be said about leadership which calls for followers to have a shared common interest. The process of transformational leadership may be more open to difficulties and may, at an extreme, lead others to the wrong way of achieving the goal or even to the wrong goal. Nevertheless, it is clear that for organizations, as well as the individuals, transformational leadership articulates the importance of each individual employee to have a better future or to constantly achieve an ideal.

The negative side of transformational leadership is clear and well documented, as in the case of Hitler and the many cults and sects which eventually victimized the members. This shows that transformational leadership is best applied on the field of business and other non-social organizations. In a political and social field, transformational leadership can be a dangerous tool but when applied on business, companies and employees may benefit immensely, as seen in GE. There must also be individuals to support the leader in terms of managing the details of the plan since in most cases the leader is more focused on the goal and in inspiring others.

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