Million Reasons
To my dear son Mikos,
Two things I want you to remember always: 1) that I love you and will always love you and 2) that life is wonderful. I think remembering these things is enough to get you to the most difficult things in life; enough so that you will get to the good parts.
So listen well...
Life is a cycle of ups and downs, of success and failure, of sadness and happiness, of scarcity and abundance...
But if you know and remember that I love you always,then you cannot feel alone, your sadness will be lessened and you will never be desperate. I want my love to keep you together and to keep you strong, as any real love should. Let me say this to you now, never should you feel unloved and alone because my love will remain steadfast even when you are old and have your own life and I am long gone. In times of great sadness know that you have a mother who loves you so much. I love you so much. Much, much more than any mother can possibly love her child.
And as life is a cycle of ups and downs, remember too that the darkest hours shall pass. Hold on to that thought when life is hard. Hold on tight, have fear of the Lord and wait for it all to pass when there is nothing more that you can do. As for the glorious days, thank the Lord for them and pause to appreciate them. Share also these days with others because only by sharing the best can you experience things that are better than the best.